Socket welding machines

General information

Polyfusion welders are used for welding pipes and fittings made of PE, PP, PVDF etc. such as: muffs, tees, elbows, plugs, reduction with the socket method by heating and connection of the fitting seat surface and the outer surface of the pipe. Welders are widely used in connecting thermal installations and cold water, central heating and other transmission networks using the polyfusion (muff) method.

All models are standard equipped with:

  • Microprocessor temperature measurement and regulation system in the range of 180 C - 280 C (+ -1%),
  • platinum temperature sensor,
  • compensation of the temperature value of the measured heating matrix in the handle,
  • control via the keyboard on the control panel,
  • replaceable heating matrices,
  • screws for fixing fittings,
  • stand with extension, key for fittings,
  • metal transport box,
  • timer built into the handle.

Basic technical parameters of fusion welders:
ZPEN-75 ZPEN-110 ZPEN-125
Power supply AC~230[V], 50[Hz] (+10/-15)%
Overall power 1200 W 1600 W 1900 W
Overall weight ~12 kg ~16 kg ~21 kg
Diameter range Ø16 - Ø75 mm Ø16 - Ø110 mm Ø16 - Ø125 mm
Temperature regulation range 180 ÷ 280°C +1%
Working temperature 5 ÷ 40 °C
Power supply cables 3,0 m
Heating bushes Ø16,20, 25, 32, 40,
50, 63, 75
Ø16, 20, 25, 32, 40,
50, 63, 75, 90, 110
Ø16, 20, 25, 32, 40,
50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125