Another Recertification of the Nowatech Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 is behind us! With pleasure we would like to inform you that the company Nowatech Sp. z o.o successfully passed the audit re-certifying the Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. Certification was carried out by auditors from Bureau Veritas Certification.
The certificate is a prestigious distinction that only companies that meet strict criteria can earn.
Awarded with the Certificate are companies with financial data that guarantee a high level of profitability, ability and financial liquidity, whose level of debt and registered overdue payments is negligible.
The assessment of the company's credibility and stability, prepared by our analysts, is based on:
• analysis of payment morality according to the International Payment Monitor program,
• analysis of financial indicators of the latest available financial statements,
• the largest relational database of corporate and personal connections in Poland.
The Business Credibility Certificate is a prestigious distinction awarded by Dun & Bradstreet Poland. Only companies with a high stability rating and financial data can be honored guaranteeing a high level of profitability, ability and liquidity, whose level of debt and registered overdue payments is negligible. The Business Credibility Certificate guarantees that the company in his possession is a reliable contractor in business contacts. The distinction awarded by Dun & Bradstreet Poland is honored all over the world.
Declaration and certificate of compliance with machine safety requirements and low voltage regulations and electromagnetic compatibility for machines issued by UKREKSPERTISIS allowing Nowatech welding machines sales on the Ukrainian market in the period from January 29, 2019 to January 28, 2020.
Another Recertification of the Nowatech Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 is behind us! With pleasure we would like to inform you that the company Nowatech Sp. z o.o successfully passed the audit re-certifying the Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. Certification was carried out by auditors from Bureau Veritas Certification.
Declaration and certificate of compliance with machine safety requirements, low voltage regulations and compatibility electromagnetic equipment issued by UKREKSPERTYZA allowing Nowatech welders to be sold on the market Ukrainian in the period from March 15, 2018 to March 14, 2019.